In any organisation its members experience an amount of hassle that instigate an unspoken sentiment of negative feelings and behaviour. Turning such a situation into a positive direction gives me fulfilment!! How about you?
Opstomen assists organisations, teams and individuals not only to clarify, and realise their development ambitions, but also to independently shape future ambitions. Members of the organisation are therefore not considered as an object of change, but as a carrier of change.
The services of Opstomen consist of:
- Organisational coaching
- Teamcoaching
- Training
- Management consultancy
- Speaker/Facilitator
Typical for the style of Opstomen is the use of a tad of humour to put topics into perspective and make them more accessible, but always with the focus on the ambition. Opstomen is furthermore inspired by appreciative ideas that focus on progress and clear the way for desirable outcomes.